Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Few Unusual/ Usual Trainer Tips that work!

If your mouth gets dry
- Drink room-temperature or warm water (with lemon, if available).

- Don't drink milk products, soda, alcoholic beverages, caffeine or sugar.

- Lightly coat your teeth with Vaseline -- it keeps your lips from sticking to your teeth.

If you tend to sweat under pressure
Apply talcum powder to hands and body before a training programme.

If your heart is pounding
Take a few deep breaths

When you find your audience seems to have cut-off from the programme
It is time to allow a break. Immediately after the break get participants busy into an energizer activity.

You ask a question to the participants and there is a pin-drop silence!
Many trainers find it difficult to handle silence. They have a tendency to immediately jump in with an answer. After some time this leads to a “download” session. Don’t be afraid of silence - sometimes participants are just thinking and need a little time. As a trainer, you should learn to handle silence. Pause before answering a question or rephrasing it.

You tell a joke and it falls flat on its face!
Have a ready line, well rehearsed, to save the day! You may decide to even have a few options ready for such times!

Your line could be as simple as, ““Oh, I don’t know why I tell jokes, I’m just terrible at it”? … look at your participants, pause, smile and just move on

Or it could be a simple “……….. a… ha……….”

You are facilitating a training session on "Grooming". You are caught wearing socks of colour lighter than that of your trousers!

Say something like, "You see, I had to make a lot of effort this morning to find this colour of socks. I wanted to show you a perfect example of bad grooming!"

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