Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jeopardy! Game Show – Make your participants 'Bid and Win' Points for their Teams

Jeopardy! is a fast-paced game that is great for review sessions. The Jeopardy! template consists of six categories with five questions each (6 x 5 = 30 questions). The questions are worth a varying number of points—point values of 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000. The difficulty level of the question coincides with the increasing point values.

Jeopardy! game is usually used in training programmes with some variation. This is done in order to lessen the setup time for participants getting used to the game and to get teams playing in rotation. Teams compete for points by first selecting a category and point value. When the question is revealed, teams have an allotted time period to “ring in” to answer the question. The first team to ring in answers the question. If the team member answers correctly, he /she wins the point value of the question for his /her team. If the contestant is incorrect, he or she loses the half of the point value indicated, and the other teams have an opportunity to ring in and answer the question. If no team answers the question correctly or the time runs out before anyone rings in, the answer is revealed. The next opportunity for selecting the question goes to the next team in the sequence.

Hidden behind the questions is one special “bonus question” that can be answered only by the team who selected that question. Depending on whether the response is correct or incorrect, points are won or lost by the team. If the response is incorrect, no other team is allowed to ring in or to answer the bonus question. The team that “Hit” the bonus question gets a chance to select the next question – out-of-turn (a bonus!).
The 'Jeopardy! game' MS-PowerPoint template is freely available on the internet in the public domain. Just download and use it! You may download template from any of the following sites -

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